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Hunnywax Pride Month Features

As Pride Month comes to an end, we wanted to celebrate and uplift the LGBTQIA+ community by showcasing individuals who have made powerful contributions to those who are in need of that extra boost of confidence and self-love. We asked Annika Yanez and Sef Loseo, influential figures in the LGBTQIA+ community, to share their story, experiences, and insights to inspire those in the community, especially the Filipino youth.

Could you share your journey of self-discovery and coming to terms with your sexual orientation or gender identity?

Annika: I’ve always identified as genderqueer before I even found out that there’s a word for it. When I was a kid people often asked me if I wanted to be a boy or a girl.. And that question would always hurt me because I couldn’t give them an answer. Eventually, I realized that my answer is “or” and I’ve never felt better about myself since then.

Sef: Growing up as queer, you don't immediately know that you're queer. With the lack of proper representation of queer people in the media, people like myself are left in the dark to navigate our sexuality and who we really are. I ended up trying to reshape myself according to what society expects me to be, and so I've spent my years as a kid all the way to my early 20s trying to be someone I am not. What really helped me reach self-discovery was when I decided to surround myself with people who are supportive, nurturing, and open. I was lucky enough to have found my own queer circle that allowed me to be more open to the endless possibilities of queerness, while helping me unlearn every toxic gender norm that was forced on me.

What were some significant experiences or milestones that shaped your understanding of yourself as an LGBTQIA+ individual?

Annika: In third grade, I had a crush on a girl and was certain that I was gonna marry her lol (she’s straight btw). But a truly significant event in my life was discovering Chella Man on Twitter and eventually watching her TED Talk in 2018 – fireworks exploded in my brain listening to someone who was similarly different as I am. One huge difference between us is that I don’t feel the need to transition.

Sef: When I started wearing high-heeled boots 🙂 It gave me a new sense of freedom that allowed me to view the world in a much more complex lense.

What are some of the challenges you've faced as an LGBTQIA+ person?

Annika: Growing up in a traditional, conservative, and religious family was difficult. I didn’t have the freedom to explore and express myself around people I was mostly with. But now I’m happy to say that I am in such a good place in my life. My relationship with my family has changed drastically for the better since I became more independent.

Sef: When you're living your life in the most authentic way possible and people who can't deal with that try to hurt you verbally, emotionally, and even physically. Right before the pandemic, when I was on the way home, a random person came after me holding a weapon while repeatedly asking me "bakla ka ba?" I was literally running for my life. Luckily I was able to enter a guarded establishment that protected me from him. People like me, especially trans people experience this on the regular.

Can you talk about the importance of having a supportive network or community for LGBTQIA+ individuals?

Annika: The LGBTQIA+ community is there to support and celebrate individuality which is very important for our young queer guys/gals to feel seen, loved, and supported so that they grow up to be their most authentic selves and in turn do the same for the younger generation after them. The LGBTQIA+ community is also utterly important to push inclusivity and diversity further. It is also there to educate everyone about the complexity of gender so that we would be kinder and more loving towards each other.

Sef: Really realllyyyyyy important to find your core circle, especially if you're part of the lgbtqia+ community. You don't have to navigate everything alone and I do believe in the power of chosen families 🙂

How has accepting your sexual orientation or gender identity influenced your overall sense of self and personal growth?

Annika: Continuously discovering and accepting myself has helped me in many ways - in my day to day life, in my career, and with my life goals. Living as my most authentic self has helped me approach life in a lighter and more positive way. More fun too!

Sef: When I started being more comfortable and at peace with who I am and I started to feel more connected to the body that I live in, I also started being kinder to myself. I've learned to give myself grace and the love that I was giving everyone else except myself.

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