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Hunnystory: Alina Carlsson

It's that time of the month again at Hunnywax, where we proudly showcase outstanding individuals who truly deserve the spotlight. This month, we've got something special for you as we introduce to you: Alina Carlsson and her awe-inspiring lifestyle, passion, and hobby. We asked Alina to delve into her unique stories and learn more about their new adventures and creative outlets.

Photos taken by @elyusnaps

Were there sacrifices made in order for you to have a chance to chase your passion?

Absolutely, leaving Sweden meant I had to leave family, friends and the life I had built behind. And as we are getting older there’s a lot of milestones I have missed, weddings, birthdays, celebrations etc.. But everyone close to me back home have always supported my decisions and they know that this is where I’m happy.

What pushed you to place yourself out of your comfort zone?

I grew up listening to my fathers stories from his early years working on ships. We would look at pictures from South Africa, The Amazon’s, Costa Rica and even The Philippines while he was tell me stories about all the places he had visited. He definitely sparked my adventurous mind and heart.
We grew up in a small town on the country side and I spent the days dreaming of traveling and seeing the world. I had a math book with the picture of the Taj Mahal on the front page in middle school, it ended up being my first destination when I was 19, once I had made enough money to travel. After that trip I knew the town I grew up in was too small for me.

Would you recommend people to chase their dreams even though it could be the road less traveled?

Yes! Chase that dream, big or small. I believe that, no matter what the road there or the outcome will look like you will learn something along the way. You will step out of your comfort zone, try new things, meet new people and in the end feel happier and more content with life.

Has chasing your passion gotten you to a situation where you wanted to give up? If so, how did you persevere?

Maybe not giving up. But working abroad as a foreigner means you don’t have a lot of options if your current situation wouldn’t work out and that’s a risk I have to take.
I wouldn’t trade my life by the beach for a life in Sweden just because it’s “safer”. I have learn a long the road that my happiness is more important and that’s what I will keep chasing.

What would be your message of inspiration to others who want to chase their dreams and passion like you?

Go! Life is too short to hesitate and thinking “what if”. It’s okey to try, fail, try and try again until you are happy with where you are. I have tried many paths and failed many times until I ended up here, where I belong :)

Product shots taken by @elyusnaps

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