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Hunnystory: AC Suico

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

It's that time of the month again at Hunnywax, where we proudly showcase outstanding individuals who truly deserve the spotlight. This month, we've got something special for you as we introduce to you: AC Suico and her awe-inspiring lifestyle, passion, and hobby. We asked AC to delve into her unique stories and learn more about their new adventures and creative outlets.

Photos of AC Suico.

Were there sacrifices made in order for you to have a chance to chase your passion?

In embracing what I love to do, I realized I also had to live both the stretch and mundane parts that came with it. Showing up and training even on the laziest of days. Saying no to late nights if I had to teach an early morning class. Eating well 80% of the time so I could maintain my physique and performance. Shifting from my corporate hat to small business & coaching hat after everyone’s usual business hours. But honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way cause I truly believe I’ve become more intentional with how I’ve designed my life and I’ve never been happier.

What pushed you to place yourself out of your comfort zone?

As someone who learns best through experience, it wasn’t just one thing but a series of restarts and trying again. Growing up, I felt a bit like a renegade. Jumping from one industry to another, having the shortest work stints (& attention span)... terrible with committing to just one main thing. I explored many different disciplines, followed diverse people who I wanted to be like, and it felt like I was in an endless cycle of never finishing what I started. And only when I took a step back and did some deep introspective work back in the lockdown was when I saw the one thing I couldn’t stop doing all these years. That’s when I truly realized that movement brings out the best version of me, my favorite one at that. And I haven’t looked back since.

Would you recommend people to chase their dreams even though it could be the road less traveled?

I know it sounds a little silly, do something you love, right? But I believe that how you spend your moments is how you spend your life. So once you find that thing that energizes you, gives you a sense of purpose, and your kind of people—I say go for it. Then do everything you can to make it work.

Has chasing your passion gotten you to a situation where you wanted to give up? If so, how did you persevere?

Definitely. I believe this is especially tricky for people who decide to pursue what they love, as the line between work and play, career and passion, become nonexistent.
There was a point early this year when exhaustion kicked in big time in the middle of juggling The Cali Movement expansion, taking on new personal coaching clients, and corporate. And calisthenics, which used to be my safe space, was now a source of stress as well. Looking back, I realized this was a pivotal moment for me, as this was when I realized that my relationship with cali evolved. Instead of being purely an outlet of self-expression, it’s become other things too… and that’s okay. The earlier I accepted that, the sooner I was able to realize that I needed to fill that white space again—and that’s when I went back to becoming a student of dance. It not only gave back that feeling of self-expression again, but it also brought in new energy and renewed capacity for my main passion. So don’t be afraid to take back time for yourself, be an amateur again, and explore other disciplines cause you never know when inspiration will find its way back to you.

What would be your message of inspiration to others who want to chase their dreams and passion like you?

Take that leap and trust yourself enough to figure it out along the way. And like what Dan Koe said, “the worst case is you learn how to jump better next time, the best case scenario is you stick the landing.”

Product shots by AC Suico.

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